
Date: 1/7/2009

Boycott the Gaj !!?

ok people i have decided to take this stance due to the ongoing war between israel & palistine. i have always believed that Allah has made us the guardians of each others souls irrespect of religion,race, colour or creed. i believe that the soul and life God has given us r sanctified gifts. i find it a bitter pill to swallow, the fact that this war is surounded by muslim countries, who cant do anything to stop this horrific war. a country like saudi arabia a major roleplayer in the muslim world, a holy place has turned a blind eye to the death of innocence, this is sad. the king is too scared to get involved. so he sticks his head in the sand.this is enough reason to boycott the gaj for the next 3 years. how can we go gaj?.
